For the fifth time, the ICMM Center of Reference for Education on IHL and Ethics together with the Medical Services Directorate of the Swiss Armed Forces and the Center for Ethics of Zurich University organise their annual joint Workshop on Military Medical Ethics.
It will take place from 07 May 2015 - 09 May 2015
at Forum Lilienberg in Ermatingen, Switzerland.
The main topic of this year's workshop is Ethical Challenges in the Context of Epidemics.
Presentations at the workshop will include case reports from recent deployments to the Ebola affected countries and more theoretical reflections on the ethical issues that arise in the fight against epidemics. Speakers include a wide variety of people coming both from the academic and military sphere. Large room will be given for discussion so that all participants can bring in their experiences and opinion.

Workshop Program
The workshop program is now available and can be downloaded here.
The registration form will be provided by mid-February. Registration will be possible for a limited number of participants (first come first served) and will close on 15 April 2015 (or earlier if all places are taken).
Please refer to the section "Practical Information" below for more information about participation in the workshop.
General Information
Date: 07.-09. May 2015
Location: Forum Lilienberg, Ermatingen (Switzerland)
MG (ret) Roger van Hoof, MD (ICMM Secretary General)
MG Andreas Stettbacher, MD (Surgeon General Swiss Armed Forces)
Prof. Dr. Peter Schaber (Chair of Applied Philosophy, UZH)
Scientific Coordination
Dr. phil. Daniel Messelken
Maj David Winkler, MD, PhD
Organisation & Logistics
Swiss Armed Forces, Medical Services Directorate
ICMM Reference Centre for Education of IHL and Ethics
Registration and Practical Information
Workshop Fee for participants: 600 CHF
The workshop fee includes
- accommodation in a single room on 07./08. and 08./09.05.2015 at Forum Lilienberg,
- all meals during the workshop,
- and the bus transfer from and to Zurich Airport.
A limited number of places with a reduced fee will be available for students and early stage researchers. Please contact us for more information if you think you might be eligible.
Early Arrival
If you arrive on the day before the workshop, the additional night 06/07.05.2014 at Forum Lilienberg can be booked for +198 CHF (includes the dinner on 06.05.2015 and breakfast).
Registration Form
Please register by using the registration form provided here. Fill out the form and send it back to
Download Registration Form
Further Information
For any further information or questions about participating, please contact Dr. Daniel Messelken (